Omolara Abosede Areo PhD

Faculty of Education, Department of Teacher Education, The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Nigeria, Oyo State


The church is filled with a lot of people who are struggling to live the Christian life and who are also not being guided to tap the riches of Christ because the teachers are untrained to effectively implementing the curriculum of the church. It is also important to note that what will happen to homes, churches and the society depends on what the church decides to teach today. The people who teach now and what they intentionally teach will go a long way to affect what the church and the society will be tomorrow. The educational task of the church includes all persons who can be reached and taught by the church – children, youths and adults, it has significance for application in every area of life of an individual, it is directed towards lost persons as well as those who are Christians, it includes both teaching and training and includes the whole message of the Bible. The intent of this paper is to emphasize the fact that there is need for training of children teachers in charge of implementing the children curriculum if the education ministry of the church will be effective. Secondary sources will be used for date collection to discuss the purpose, characteristics, types, methods and benefits of training available for children workers. The church is involved in the education of her members for godly living with the use of the denominational curriculum. The curriculum will not achieve the objectives intended if it is not implemented as suggested by the curriculum writers. Hence, the writer will be examining the concept of training, Need for training, characteristics of a good training program, types of training, methods of training, and benefits of training teachers.

Keywords: Training, Sunday school Teachers, Curriculum Implementation,

The church has a teaching mission. Jesus commanded his followers to make disciples and teach them to observe all the things he had commanded (Matthew 28:18-20). This command makes teaching and training an important aspect of the church’s witness and work. The church must therefore, always embrace its educational task because the New Testament church is a teaching church. The church is filled with a lot of people who are struggling to live the Christian life and who are also not being guided to tap the riches of Christ because the teachers are untrained to effectively implementing the curriculum of the church. It is also important to note that what will happen to homes, churches and the society depends on what the church decides to teach today. The people who teach now and what they intentionally teach will go a long way to affect what the church and the society will be tomorrow.