The Influence of Inattention in Classroom on Students’ Academic Performance


The Case of FONAB High School, HIPDET and
CUIST Mile 4 Nkwen Bamenda III


Franklin Taforlak Changa
Journal of Pedagogical Research
Issue: 30th April, 2024


The study is designed to investigate “The Influence of Inattention in Classroom
on Students’ Academic Performance”. The main research objective of the study
is to investigate the influence of inattention in classroom on students’ academic
performance. The two concepts that grounded the study are: the concept of
inattention in classroom and students’ academic performance. A Survey
Research Design was adopted for the study. Questionnaires for students and
teachers were used to collect data. A Simple Random Sampling Technique
without replacement was used to select respondents. A sample of 90 students
and 30 teachers making a sample size of 120 students and teachers were
selected and administered the questionnaire for the study. Data was analyzed
orally using the direct reporting method and for the quantitative data, frequency
count and percentages were used. The chi-square test was used in testing the
hypotheses of the study. It was also used in comparing the students’ conceptual
variables on their academic performance by sex, age range and class. Findings
show that respondents agreed and strongly agreed that appropriate teaching
methods, readiness in classroom, appropriate use of instructional materials and
the use of motivation in classroom will greatly influence students’ academic
performance. Also, the Correlation Analysis shows the relationship among the
variables generated using Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r) and by using
Linear Regression Analysis (ANOVA table for Linear Regression Analysis and
Coefficients for Linear Regression Equation). With linear regression equation
that was to know the group of persons that are more likely to be affected
academically by the influence of teaching methods, readiness, ins tructional
materials and motivation on students’ academic performance. Again, the
findings were presented using frequency distribution tables, and on charts with
inferential statistics presented using frequency distribution tables, and on charts
with inferential statistics presented at 95% level of confidence interval with
alpha set at 0.05 levels accepting only 5% margin of error. Finally, there is a
call for the researcher, that the government should develop psycho -educational
programmes for young people of all ages. Also advocate that parents and
teachers should foster in students non-cognitive skills related to motivation,
integrity, among others and teacher’s assessment should be on the basis of
bloom taxonomy on effective, cognitive, and psychomotor skills.


Inattention has for some time been an issue of concern for educators, policy
makers and the public at large but the situation has become one of the main
problems affecting the Teaching-Learning Process. This issue of managing
students’ behavior inattention which can affect adults as well as children and
teens has been a major concern. This is supported by psychologists: Elisa,
Balaguer (2016) that postulated that inattention has taken centre stage for a long
time both internationally and nationally since the creation of schools and it is
worthwhile to identify and solve trouble focusing on the task at hand, difficult
learning ,becoming confused and distracted easily. Being aware of the influence
of inattention in classroom on students’ academic performance. In this chapter,
the following sub topics will be discussed, background to the study, statement of
the problem, objective of the study, research questions, hypothesis, justification
and significance of the study, scope of the study and operationalization of
1.1 Background of the study
Conceptually, two concepts grounded this study. The concept of Inattention in
classroom and students’ academic performance. Inattention is lack of attention.
That is, the deficiencies in the executive function skills of behavioral inhibition
and self-regulation (Barkley,2006). From children and may persist in to
adulthood. However, complete understanding of inattention is a fundamental
professional concern by teachers and other educators in all advance edu cational
systems (luhanga, 2016) apply good teaching methods and strategies, subject
matter, motivation, readiness and instructional materials. The teaching methods
and strategies are the various ways to communicate the subject matter, will not
only help teachers reach their full potentials but more importantly engage,
motivate and reach the students in their classes whether in person
or online with outcome to improve students’ achievement (Greive,2004).
Basically, motivation is derived from the word motive, defined as needs, wants
drives within an individual ( Berelson and Steiner, 2011). Thus, an inner state
that energizes or channels behavior toward achieving goals and good students’
performance. Moreover, with the influence of inattention in classroom on
students’ academic performance, inattention in classroom is not paying attention
or neglecting to show courtesy according to Hawkins (1989). In this light, the
influence of inattention in classroom will often result into poor students’
academic performance. Findings from research on student learning in classroom
setting indicate that inattentive behaviors are directly related to achievement
outcomes (Kenneth,1994). Also, Instructional Materials are conceptually used to
simplify teaching both visual and audio-visual aids, concrete or non-concrete.
Thereby stimulating students to learn (Taylor,2005).
It seems obvious that there is real emphasis on the subject matter knowledge of
the teacher, though good mastery of the content before teaching. (Heggart,2016).
However, poor physical condition is the poor physical health reporting
behavioral health conditions, that has higher health costs among students being
biological and psychological indicators (Roeber,2016). Furthermore, the teacher
needs to be literate in using all the afore mentioned indicators of inattention
taking into consideration individual differences and their abilities for effective
teaching thereby captivating the student’s attention in order to enhance good
Academic performance is another concept looked at in the study. Academic
productivity is a measurable index that depicts a student’s cognitive, affective
and psychomotor domains in an educational setting ( Kpolovie et al,2014 in
Neba,2019). Academic performance is the knowledge gained which is assessed
by marks by a teacher and or educational goals set by students and teachers to be
achieved over a specific period of time according to: (Narad and
Abdullah,2016). Lyons (2014) thinks that, it is the measurement of student
achievement across various academic subjects. Teachers and Education Officials
typically measure achievement using classroom performance and results from
standardized tests and achieving their educational goals (Kpolovie et. al 2014).
Theoretically, Social Learning Theory of Bandura ( 1977 ) and Instrumental
(Operant ) condition of B.F Skinner ( 1905- 1990 ) are examined. The Social
Learning Theory of Bandura 1977 emphasizes the importance of observing and
modeling the behaviorss, attitudes , and emotional reactions of others.
By this theory , students acquire socially accepted forms of behavior through
observation and imitation of behavior of the model around them from their
teachers, parents and peers which may either be good creating attention or bad
creating inattention.
In this light , if students join peer groups with those who are always playing and
distracting , they might imitate what their peers are doing and consequently it
may lead to inattention in the classroom and its influences on students as poor
academic performance as a direct outcome.
Another theory that situate the study is the Operant Conditioning Theory of B .F
Skinner(1905-1990),the theory is based upon the idea that learning is a function
of change in overt behavior changes in behavior are the result of an individual’s
response to events ( stimuli ) that occur in the environment. Learning as a result
of consequences.
Operant Conditioning, involves the use of re-enforcement to encourage
behaviors ( Skinner, 1954 ).
The Operant (example , a gift, “good girl” , “good boy” ) is the re-enforcement.
This theory sees behavior as a function of its consequences. That means the
learner will repeat behavior that is positively reinforced (operant) which can be
verbal praise, prizes, or good grades creating attention and good students’
academic performance.