
Associate Prof. O. S  Olagunju, , +2348034081875

Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso

Abiodun Paul Owolabi:, +2347031555635, Ph.D. student, Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso

Fai Ebenezer: +2348164584514, Ph.D. student, Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso

Isaac Okunade:, +2348026393431, Ph.D. student, Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso

Folaju Victor:,+2348069730031, Ph.D. student, Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso


The task of biblical interpretation or exegesis is a daunting task. To exegete correctly, the context of a given pericope is vital for proper exegesis. Exegesis is not done in a vacuum; thus, text analysis methods have been developed over the years. New Testament text analysis has become an indispensable tool for interpreting and applying a particular text of the New Testament. Therefore, to decipher the original and or intended meaning of the author of any New Testament text, these methods are critical. This paper discusses New Testament methods of text analysis which are grouped majorly into critical and exegetical methods. Under critical methods, the paper provides a brief historical background of the New Testament, Historical Criticism, Form Criticism, Redaction Criticism, and Canon Criticism. The exegetical methods discussed in the paper are the Interpretative Approach, Socio-Rhetoric Approach, Theological Approach, Form-Critical Approach, Historical Approach, Dogmatic Approach, Impressionistic Approach, Historical-Critical Approach, Grammatical-Historical Approach, Existentialist Approach, Grammatical Approach, proof-text Approach, Salvation History Approach, Structural Analysis Approach, Inductive Bible Study Approach, and The Syntactical Theological Approach. The Significances of New Testament Methods of Text Analysis show that New Testament text analytic methods look for correct interpretation of New Testament canons, help to recover the original text of the New Testament, and help equip the congregation with sound knowledge of the scriptures. The descriptive method is employed in this paper.

Word count:246 words

Keywords: New Testament, Methods, Textual Analysis


The task of biblical interpretation or exegesis is a daunting task. To exegete correctly, context is key to the exegete. However, New Testament texts are not exegeted in a vacuum; text analysis methods have been developed over the years. If the text of the New Testament is to be exegeted, these methods are indispensable. As such, to decipher the original and or intended meaning of the writer of any text, these methods are critical. This paper discusses New Testament methods of text analysis which are grouped majorly into critical and exegetical methods. The paper provides a brief historical background of the New Testament, New Testament critical methods, and exegetical methods and discusses some significances of New Testament methods of Text analysis. The descriptive method is employed in this paper.