
Olugbenga S. Olagunju (+2348034081875, +2348142998137, meetgbenga70@gmail.com), Ajiroba Luke Mayowa (+2348064433025, almaluke442@gmail.com), Nfor Tangko (+2347069525981, +237675376772, nfortangko@gmail.com), Pius Ukrakpo Akpoesiri (+2348035344288, piusukrakpo89@gmail.com), Omajuwa Lucky Pereama (+2348056931063, luckypereama@gmail.com).


The reality and nature of heaven and hell are debated among bible scholars, philosophers, mythologists, psychologists, and scholars in religion. This paper analysizes these arguments and concludes that the bible gives a more comprehensive account of the reality and nature of heaven and hell. Thus, it zeros in on the arguments based on biblical account. It refutes the claim that heaven and hell are fiction. Thus, its thrust is that heaven and hell are real. Heaven is the eternal home for all Christians and hell is the eternal home for  all non-christians. The paper employs an analytical method to defend its thesis. It analyses some theories and arguments put forth by scholars on the reality and nature of heaven and hell. Thus, it looks at the concepts of heaven and hell in the Ancient Near Eastern, the Bible, and the African traditional religions. One’s view informs the way he lives out his faith in actual daily life. The presupposition is that God exists and he created  heaven and hell for his glory. The guiding principle is sola tota scriptura (scripture alone in its totality).

Keywords:heaven and hell, afterlife, philosophical, psychological, mythological, biblical.


One of the major arguments in the contemporary world, aside from the arguments on the existence of God, is the reality of Heaven and Hell. Some philosophers argue that these eternal places are not real but fiction. Rationalists opine that Heaven and Hell are not in the mind of God.[1] Adherers to the sects believe that thought and action should be governed by reason and that reason and logic are the fundamental sources of knowledge and truth. The belief is that reason, and logic should be relied on in searching for and testing the truth of things. These people believe that the records of Heaven and Hell are infused into some religious Scriptures – Hebrew Bible, Quran and the Christian Bible, to scare people and coerce believers to ahere to their  their Objects of worship (Yahweh, Allah and God through Jesus the Christ) and to their dogmatics.

            Although biblical theology has had deliberations with its atheistic counterpart regarding the existence of God, there is still a lot to wrestle with regarding the belief in the afterlife and the eternal place of the individual. Burke asserts that the modern technological and scientific worldview has never discouraged the belief in the afterlife[2] and karma[3] with the most recent findings of the transcendental Being. The afterlife’s biblical, mythological, and religious views link the world beyond with words like Paradise, sky, cloud, Sheol, Hades, and Gehenna. DeStefano opines that most believers in Christ Jesus do not have much problem with the existence of Heaven and Hell.[4] The writer affirms that the Islamic and the African Traditional Religions (ATR) likewise believe that there is a place of eternal rest (Heaven) and eternal damnation that burns with unquenchable fire (Hell). In addition, DeStefano posits that some people are not comfortable with the fact that hell will last forever.[5]  

However, Alcorn submits that some people could not withstand the thought that heaven would be an endless, dull, monotonous, repetitive place. The idea and thought of floating around in the clouds like the astronauts in outer space with only the harp and trumpets singing or praising God forever is a burden to them.[6] In other words, these people preferred to be annihilated than spend eternity in a place like heaven. The paper argues that while there are differing opinions on Heaven and Hell have from religious, modern psychological and philosophical thoughts, mythologies and others, Heaven and Hell are real and not fiction. Both places of eternal abode have never contradicted the attributes and nature of God. Heaven and hell are the realities of the perfection and justice of God. Biblically, the writer affirms that Heaven and Hell are real places, and individuals on this giant globe will one day find themselves in one or the other as their eternal home.

The paper will employ analytical dialogue as its approach. It will analyse some occurring theories from scholars regarding the absolute reality of Heaven and Hell and whether these are real or fictions. It will also interact with psychology in two ways. There will be a brief interaction between the individual’s unconsciousness and the psychology of hope. The writer will reason with these theories philosophically and biblically and tend to address questions about the nature of Heaven and Hell.

Though the paper is not defending God or serving as an apologetic for God’s existence, it will assure that God exists. It will affirm that this Supreme Deity is the Creator of the two eternities under perusal. The writers of this paper will affirm the Bible as sola tota Scriptura (Scripture alone in its totality). The paper will assert that the Bible is the accurate written Word of God from which principles of a meaningful life will be drawn and an eternal rest will be assured. The analytical dialogue will also encourage a view of Heaven and Hell considering a biblical presentation.   


The writer opines that the ideas offered by religious, philosophical and psychological thoughts for the ‘how,’ ‘why,’ and ‘where’ individuals end up in the afterlife are vast. Hence, the paper will follow the critical religious, philosophical and psychological analyses of Ancient Near Eastern (ANE) religions regarding the treatment of the realities of Heaven and Hell in the afterlife. The writer claims that treating mythological views of Heaven and Hell will be essential to discuss the similarities in their religious-philosophical beliefs