Breaking Down Doctrinal Hurdles in Muslim Evangelism: The Concept of Trinity

Amos Daniel Auta


Email: Doctor of Pholosophy Student, Christian Ethics, Nigerian Baptist Theological Semiary Ogbomoso, Oyo State.


This paper titled “Breaking Down Doctrinal Hurdles in Muslim Evangelism: The Concept of Trinity” provides an overview of Muslim Evangelism, explicitly focusing on the challenges that arise when explaining the concept of the Trinity to Muslims. The paper examines the obstacles Muslims face in understanding the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and highlights key differences between Islamic and Christian views on the nature of God. It offers a comparative analysis of Islamic and Christian perspectives on the Trinity, providing insights into the differences and similarities between these two religious traditions. The article also offers practical advice on effective methods of Muslim Evangelism, emphasizing the importance of building relationships, understanding the Muslim worldview, and communicating the Gospel in a culturally relevant and sensitive way. Fundamentally, the paper encourages Christians to engage in Evangelism with Muslims thoughtfully, compassionately, and effectively, breaking down doctrinal barriers and building bridges of understanding between these two faith communities. The writer employs descriptive analysis in this paper.

Key Words:

Muslim Evangelism, Muslim, Evangelism, Trinity


The concept of Trinity has become one of the significant barriers to Muslims evangelism. Even though, saving souls is so important that God first demonstrated it through sending his son Jesus Christ to die for the salvation of mankind. Jesus himself before leaving, commanded that his followers go to all the world and make disciples of all nations. These nations (people) include Muslims. This paper aims to establish practical effective methods and approaches to Muslims evangelism in the Northern Nigeria.

The writer attempts an overview of Muslim evangelism discuss obstacles to Muslim understanding of Trinity, do a comparative analysis of Muslim and Christian understanding of Trinity, methods of Muslim evangelism and a conclusion.     

An Overview of Muslim Evangelism

Bouma defines evangelism as the act of communicating the Gospel.[1] This presupposes that evangelism is an action done by a Christian. Stiles adds that it involves persuasion.[2] This means the one involved must be intentional in causing the one who is being evangelized to see reasons why they should jettison what they have previously believed for the new thing they are introduced to. Persuasion is one of the ways of evangelizing a Muslim. God’s election of the nation of Israel to fulfil his purpose did not mean he discontiuned his relationship with non-Israelites. He intended to include the Gentiles and invite them into relationship with himself.[3] The mind of God towards people, is to redeem them from destruction, however, many Muslims feel they are not sinners. They do not see the need for a Savior like the Christians do. Islam rejects the idea of the fall because they believe that Adam just erred and was later made right. In their understanding human nature did not become corrupted by sin; and that everyone is fundamentally good but frail from birth. They believe that they can always conduct religious activities to atone for their mistakes.[4] This believes had made it difficult to reach out to them and even when efforts are made, their response in accepting the gospel is very low.