SN:2022-02(2) Announcing the Moving God in a Moving World: Missiological Implications of Motus Dei for Homo Mobilis

Emmanuel Oumarou, PhD.


The God of the Bible is a motile God. Movement is intrinsic to His nature. In Scriptures, God’s movement is primarily meant to establish His kingdom-redemptive agenda over the
nations. Motus Dei (the move of God) is the theological/missiological nomenclature that captures this understanding. From the motile God flows the homo mobilis (the motile human). Because God is a moving God and created humans in His image, movement is inherent to humanity. Human motility finds expressions in a variety of forms. Human migrations are one of the most intensive and pervasive forms. This paper explores the inference of God’s motility that engenders human motility on the conceptualization and execution of missions. It posits that since God is essentially motile and He communicated motility to humans, contemporary missions that unfolds in a context of intensified human motility should be conceived in motile terms and exploit human movements for missional purposes.