SN:2022-02(3) Exegesis of 1 Corinthians 14

Pastor/Teacher Fai Ebenezer

Fai Ebenezer is a Pastor/Teacher. He hails from Tatum, Nkum subdivision of Bui Division, NorthWest Region of the Republic of Cameroon. He is a Ph.D. student at the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary Ogbomoso. He majors in New Testament Language and Literature, minoring in Old Testament Language and Literature and Philosophy. His research interests though exegetical, are mostly Pneumatocntric. , +2348164584514, +237675933329


Glossolalia has raised several conflicting ideas and belief systems like other spiritual gifts. While some scholars opine that Glossolalia (operation of the gift of tongues) ceased with the last Apostles, some believe they are demonic since demons also speak in tongues. Others believe that the operation of tongues means having the ability to speak many human languages (xenolalia). The researcher shall attempt a critical introduction of 1 Corinthians, discuss related literature on the Glossolalia, do an exegesis of 1 Corinthians 14:13-19 and determine through the exegetical deductions from the text how Glossolalia can be maximized in public worship. The writer shall use Glossolalia and speaking in tongues interchangeably. Though the pericope in this discourse is from I Corinthians 14: 13-16, allusions shall be made to other verses of the same Chapter as the need arises. Analytical, critical analysis is the methodology used in this paper.